Our Services


General Dentistry

General dentistry is vital in preserving a healthy smile throughout your lifetime. We offer dentistry for all ages. We want you to feel comfortable from the moment you walk into our door — if you suffer from dental anxiety, our office has nitrous oxide to make your visits easier and more pleasant. 

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Looking for ways to enhance the appearance of your smile? Ask our dentist about porcelain dental veneers, dental bonding, crowns, or teeth whitening! We can give you a picture-perfect and naturally beautiful smile in as few as two appointments. 


Dental Cleanings + Exams

We recommend that you visit us every six months for routine care to prevent problems before they happen. We may suggest more frequent visits if needed. As part of our commitment to patient education, our team will work to provide you with the necessary knowledge for proper home care.


Root Canal Therapy

If your tooth becomes infected, often root canal therapy is indicated. If a root canal is necessary, we strive to make treatment as comfortable and painless as possible.  


Tooth Extractions

We are committed to your oral health and smile, and we will only recommend a tooth extraction if your tooth is past the point where it can be repaired. If you do need to have a tooth removed from your mouth, our dentist will perform the extraction as gently as possible and will work with you afterward to find a replacement that meets your needs.


Dental Implants

An implant can be a great option for tooth replacement. We work in conjunction with the best local specialists to place the implant and restore it with a beautiful crown that matches the rest of your smile! 

Restorative Dentistry

We are pleased to offer high-quality restorative dentistry that is focused on restoring the health and function of your smile following tooth damage, tooth decay or tooth loss. We offer a number of restorative dental options to meet your individual dental needs, including tooth-colored fillings. Whether you are missing one tooth, several teeth or all of your teeth, we are here to provide you with the restorative dentistry solutions you need. 

Complete + Partial Dentures

We may recommend complete or partial dentures to restore your smile if you are missing multiple teeth; dentures can improve your ability to properly speak and eat, restore your natural facial volume, and enhance the overall beauty of your smile. Your dentures will be custom-made to fit your smile comfortably, aesthetically and securely. 

Botox for Pain

Botox can be used to help relieve pain associated with bruxism. Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth. You may do this unconsciously during the day or at night. Treating your jaw muscles with Botox can help to relieve pain in your TMJ and jaw muscles associated with bruxism.

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